Mary, Queen of Heaven - 2024 May Crowning

On Monday morning, May 13th, Holy Trinity Academy celebrated Mary, Queen of Heaven. Scholars were encouraged to bring poems, prayers, or pictures as well as flowers, as we laid them at the feet of our Spiritual Mother. We also completed our school wide consecration on this day as our school was consecrated to Our Lady of Victory. Our own, Coach St. Cyr, wrote a poem to Our Lady for this feast day:


The green, quiet blade awaits the dewfall;
Parched from lasting the long, silent night, 
And you waited, watching along new light.
Perched quietly in the donkey's stall. 

The dew was waiting for first yellow;
The Spirit was waiting, ancient breath.
I am waiting, beyond my depth.
For you to fall in golden glow.

For I was parched from the long blight,
Praying, hoping for some relief;
A tender touch to set me free.
By finding time to squeeze me tight. 

So like the dew, grass, and Spirit too
My waiting found its end in you.

By Coach St. Cyr
Chesterton Academy Upper School Faculty


Inaugural Cultura Vitae Lecture Series